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Speak Out

Happeo is committed to ensuring a safe working environment for all. This means, among other things, fair working conditions, minimizing risk for accidents at work, and not tolerating harassment. Happeo is also committed to conducting business ethically. We comply with applicable laws, compete fairly and have zero tolerance for bribery and corruptive activities. If you notice any conduct that is contrary to these commitments or otherwise inappropriate, by a manager, co-worker, customer, supplier or anyone, please speak out! Voice your concerns, together we can fix things. 

There will be no negative consequences or retaliation against anyone who makes a report in good faith. If you see something that goes against our expectations, don’t be afraid to speak out! Click here to report an issue. You can file both anonymous and non-anonymous reports. 

Our whistleblowing channel is managed by FirstWhistle, a third party independent company that we have contracted to ensure we have a low barrier and secure solution for reporting issues. No IP addresses will be stored by the tool. 

When filing a report, we will get back to you within 7 business days at the latest. Each report is reviewed and prioritised according to the severity of the potential issue being reported. Cases may be closed under the following circumstances: 

  • If we find that a report has been filed in bad faith;
  • If we ask for additional information, and we don’t get a reply within a reasonable amount of time;
  • If the case doesn’t fall in the scope of compliance related concerns.

Reporting an issue, knowing it to be untrue, represents an offence and shall be punished by criminal fine and/or other criminal sanctions in accordance with applicable law. Further, subject to the applicable law, the reporting person who intentionally reports an issue, knowing it to be untrue may be liable for the damage caused to the persons involved.

Please note that the protection and procedures provided for by the national implementations of the EU Whistleblower Directive 2019/1937 or by other applicable whistleblowing laws only applies to reports within the scope of the said applicable national whistleblowing legislation. 

Please note that our whistleblowing channel should not be used for general feedback or contract-related matters. Please, find below other relevant contact details:

To contact support, head here.

To contact sales, head here.

To see our career opportunities head here.


External Reporting

Our whistleblowing channel is the primary reporting channel. However, under applicable law you may have the right in certain exceptional situations to report an issue to an external reporting channel provided by the competent authority. 

Happeo encourages you to seek advice before reporting a concern via external channels as doing so may impact on whether your disclosure is protected under applicable laws. 


Privacy and information security are essential to Happeo. For the FirstWhistle channel, Happeo Oy is the data controller in respect of any personal data reported through the channel. During the investigations we may collect and process personal data from the reports received through the channel. 

Some personal data may be processed when filing a report, such as the reporting person’s name, contact information and position or role at Happeo as well as any other information filed in connection with the report or received during the investigation. We process personal data obtained through the channel only to the extent necessary for the purposes of investigating the matter or if required by law. The tool can be used without providing any personal data by using the anonymous reporting option. For more information on how Happeo processes personal data, see our Privacy Policy.